Media-ecological Design Strategies for Improving Peri-urban Biodiversity

(Interdisciplinary Design Research Project, SNSF, 2020-2024)


The increase in the human population and industrialization processes are leading to a worldwide loss of habitats and species. Industrial farming leads to agricultural desertification, which offers fewer living conditions to wild animals than human settlements with small-scale structures and gardens. Until now, however, green spaces in settlement design have been geared towards humans, while humans have been excluded from nature conservation biology. The supposed contradictions between nature, culture and technology should be brought into a constructive interplay to promote biodiversity in peri-urban areas. The attitude of the Mitwelten research project is post-humanistic and post-natural: it attempts to dissolve the central position of humans and to integrate them as a mere element into the more-than-human ecosystem. The interdisciplinary project aims to provide design approaches for promoting biodiversity in residential and recreational areas using the tools of design research and the natural, cultural and computer sciences. Through three field studies carried out in and around Basel, Switzerland, it explores how media design interventions based on an ‘IoT Toolkit’ (Internet of Things Toolkit), can enhance biodiversity in local ecosystems. The embedded media-technological infrastructure forms a 'response-able environment' that integrates the wider public and the needs and contributions of animals and plants to promote cohabitation.

Main Research Question: How can media design interventions and infrastructures based on the Internet of Things contribute ecologically and culturally to the promotion of biodiversity in local ecosystems?

The design interventions aim to give plants and animals a voice, expand ecological knowledge and experience, create new forms of cross-species coexistence and thereby cultivate ecological values and behaviors. To this end, an Internet of Things Toolkit is being developed that serves as a media technology infrastructure for the design interventions.

The Collaborative research develops the ideal of experience-led and knowledge-based design of livable landscape architectures and sustainable everyday processes for all creatures in the form of media-ecological prototypes and infrastructures of ecological structural change: human colonies and their environments become biodiverse MITWELTEN.


Funding: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Project number: 197845
Project start: 01.12.2020
Project duration: 50 Monate

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FHNW Academy of Art and Design
Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures | IXDM
Critical Media Lab | CML
Freilager-Platz 1, 4002 Basel
